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Aquarian Family Dynamics TM

(in development)

It's a new era!!!


There is a lot of talk in the consciousness movement about how the "Piscean Age" is on its way out, and the "Aquarian Age" is on its way in.  What does this mean in simple, human terms?  And what does it mean when you are raising children?


for more information about the Aquarian Age and how we are seeing it manifest on Earth, please read Licia's 2007 article

And the Sun Rises!


Kahlil Gibran's image of the pillars, equality in holding up the unit

each playing a different part, but the parts are equal in importance

 We found that the Aquarian Model of relationships as it applies to families is a different animal! The traditional roles of parents and children are more Piscean in nature...the parent is seen as the expert and authority

Our unique contribution to the blooming of the Aquarian Age on our planet is that we lived a thorough re-working of our family relationship.

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copyright 2003-2008 Peter Berry and Felicia Berry

licia@liciaberry.com  peter@peterberry.us

please visit our other websites: www.liciaberry.com  www.pbfa.peterberry.us