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And the Sun Rises!

We are Beyond the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

January 2007

by Licia Berry


Something is changing; she can feel it.  She notices occasional dizzy spells or blurriness of vision, and more headaches than usual.  She has odd aches and pains in her body, and sometimes she feels as if she isn’t even in her body.  She wonders why she sometimes has heart palpitations and shortness of breath, out of nowhere.  She notices she has gained some weight in her abdomen.  Things she used to be able to eat or drink have a more pronounced effect on her so she is learning to eat in a more intentional way.  She sees, hears, smells and feels things that she hasn’t before; it is as if her senses have been amped up to a new level.  She is overwhelmed and over-stimulated easily.  She can barely tolerate being in crowded or noisy places; going to a mall is out of the question.  Sometimes she gets attacks of anxiety and has to do immediate or drastic things to calm herself down.  When she hears judgmental conversations, or hears on the news about the disrespect that humanity has for the earth, or witnesses an act of cruelty, she is almost ill with rage, except that she doesn’t have enough energy to devote to being actively angry.  She feels depressed and apathetic more often than usual, too.  There are days when she is so exhausted she doesn’t want to do anything at all.  She cries at the drop of a hat sometimes, alternating with moments of blissful clarity and a sense of a larger perspective that causes feelings of peace and understanding.  Sometimes she feels as if she is losing her mind; her memory will just blank out, or she will feel disoriented as if she has lost her sense of place.  She awakes in the night between 2 and 4 am, alternating with periods of deep sleeping.  Her dreams are frequently very vivid, sometimes violent, and when she awakes she has a sense of having worked something out in the night. Sometimes she will wake up in a pool of sweat, something she has not experienced before in her life.  Things feel more intense, like living in a pressure cooker on some days.  When she makes a plan, it can change in a day.  She can no longer abide certain relationships; they make her want to jump out of her skin.  Friendships, habits, jobs, residences are all on the chopping block and up for change.  The evidence is all around her.  Her deep inner wisdom tells her it is becoming a different world.

These signs and symptoms of the transition into the Aquarian dynamic are becoming more and more common, planet wide.  In my line of work, I am hearing these symptoms over and over, and folks are wondering why they are experiencing them.  I am also personally experiencing them!  It is a great relief to them to hear that there is something bigger going on.  People are noticing that their old lives are not working anymore; they are being asked to stretch and become more than they have ever been before.  It is an exciting time!

Formerly seen as another “New Age” concept, the Aquarian dynamic is being taken more and more seriously as humanity is experiencing the shifts occurring on the planet.  Prophesized in olden days as a golden time of understanding and peace, we are now seeing evidence of the Aquarian dynamic in concrete terms.  More and more folks are coming into awareness of the whole and our connectedness.  We are feeling it in our bodies, seeing it in our lives, watching it play out on the world stage; we are coming into balance.

The earth (in fact the entire universe) has been living out the Piscean Dynamic for approximately 3000 linear years, including the transition time from the prior era and the transition time into Aquarian dynamic we are currently experiencing.  According to my Angel friends, we will see another 370 years go by before the Aquarian model is fully seated.  This may seem like a long time, except that it was originally going to be much longer (500+ years), but things are changing so fast we are moving the time line up.  I am also told that it is very likely we will do it even faster than the current 370 years timeline because we are moving so very fast in our process.  I choose to be open to this possibility!

The primary difference between the Piscean and Aquarian dynamics is how power is experienced, embodied and expressed. 

 In the Piscean dynamic (the one we are growing out of like an old pair of worn-out shoes), we fully explored giving our power away to others.  It has been a time of centralization of power, parent-child relationships, and relying on experts to tell us what to do.  It has been a time of rationale, logic and reason, or the worship of the intellect to the exclusion of the heart.  It was a ripe environment for patriarchy to grow and flourish.  It has also been a time to fully explore our ego, our painful histories, and personal growth.  One common Piscean belief is that all major growth is achieved through conflict or pain. We understood that the evolution of humanity was accomplished through friction and personal pain, which produced greater realizations eventually leading to internal integration and external harmony.  It was understood that expanding into any new endeavor required tremendous effort and some personal hardship. Success could not be achieved unless one “paid their dues” first. No pain, no gain.  Consequently, the belief that growth comes through pain and major effort is deeply ingrained into the subconscious of large portions of humanity. (What we are currently discovering is that we can manifest without major effort and that if we shift our vibration, we change the vibration of what we draw to us.)  Energy follows thought and the Universe does indeed give to us according to the energetic patterns which flow from us. We don’t have to live out the old belief that we must be in pain to experience growth or manifest what we desire. It is always our choice.

 Another Piscean manifestation is that humanity accepted that there is a vast separation from themselves and God/the Creator/Prime Source. This was another permutation of the parent/child dynamic, where we projected onto a masculine God the role of punitive Father. People did not believe they were worthy to have direct communion with the Divine and to develop a direct personal relationship with the Creator was unthinkable for the average person. The great world religions gained power in the age of Pisces because they acted as intermediaries between God and Man. In this coming Aquarian age, spiritual intermediaries are not as important and consequently the populations are drifting away from the old organized global religious organizations. 

The Aquarian Dynamic

The Aquarian dynamic is an “about-face” from the Piscean dynamic in many ways, which is a major contributing factor to the intensity of the changes we are currently experiencing.  When there is a major shift needed, what amounts to violence is required to bring what is not needed to the surface and clear away the old.   It is akin to how the earth cleanses itself with violent storms and acts of nature.  The Aquarian dynamic is about partnership, teamwork, community.  Instead of power over, as we saw in the Piscean dynamic, we explore power with.  We embody cooperation and equality, relying on each other for our individual gifts to the world.  We see the increasing decentralization of power and authority such that the masses become their own experts. 

Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra says this about the difference between the Piscean and Aquarian dynamics: “To attempt to remove one's choice in favor of another's choice is Piscean resolution. To make a full array of choices available, including the means of implementation, and have the choices of a teamwork-like resolution spring from the hearts of those involved is Aquarian resolution. In short, Aquarian resolution springs from the heart and proceeds forward in light of the greatest well-being of all involved. Piscean resolution springs from the head and focuses on believing one's position is the best and, therefore, to be superimposed on all involved. In this case, the winner rules.”

In the Aquarian dynamic we become more grounded in our bodies and anchored to the core of the earth, our home planet, resulting in greater care and awareness of the need to live in balance with earth.  We are also experiencing a de-mystification of metaphysical phenomenon; it is being brought into the realm of the practical, into everyday application.  It is the end of our fascination with and addiction to drama.  An example of this is seen in the terrific show, “Dog Whisperer”, where Cesar Millan utilizes subtle energy techniques to shape the dogs (and humans) he works with to bring greater harmony.  We explore the realm of choice, freedom, and manifestation with ease and grace. 

 In the Aquarian dynamic, it is the return of the feminine aspects to the planet, expressed in valuing our intuition and acting on our internal guidance, utilizing the power of attraction rather than force, and embracing and accepting and holding space for the diversity we represent without judgment.  In our personal process, as well as collectively as a planet, we grow through wisdom and discernment.  We know that our darkness is just as much a part of us as our light, and we harvest the gems to be had from exploring and embracing ALL aspects of ourselves.  We value the wisdom of the heart and regularly access it in our choice-making, feeling more love for ourselves and others.  We find growth occurring in more harmonious ways because we have a more evolved sense of personal responsibility and recognize our connectedness.  We naturally seek to enhance the quality of life for one another.  It is a time of balance and respect of the value of each individual as a part of the One.

 In addition, the Aquarian dynamic says that each of us are worthy of remembering and experiencing direct communion and partnership with the Divine. We are no longer satisfied projecting our personal power onto a punitive God; we realize this model is outdated and doesn’t feel correct any more.  We feel this internally as we question the beliefs we have unconsciously accepted from others and seek direct experience with spirituality instead of believing what others say on faith alone.  Among these beliefs we question is that we must atone for past choices, rather than simply acknowledge that those choices resulted in consequences we did not like and we can therefore make a different choice.  In this age, we accept and affirm the validity of personal experience and inner awareness of our oneness with the All That Is.  The Piscean era grew Believers, whereas the Aquarian era is growing Knowers.  We also don’t buy the idea that we must be in pain to feel closer to our Maker; we begin to understand the possibility of creating heaven on earth, and that our presence here in physical form is no accident or prison sentence.  We no longer need to suffer through our lives so that we can have our eternal reward when we leave our physical body.  We wake up to the magic and celebration of the creator experience here on the earth plane.


It’s Really Happening!

 This is the shift that is occurring on our beloved planet right now, and critical mass is quickly being reached.  The more we allow ourselves to breathe in the new dynamic, releasing and surrendering the old world to the new world that is most surely manifesting, the less resistance, fear and uncertainty we will experience as the Aquarian dynamic fully seats into our lives.   However, we are living in-between; we are in the transitional period between the full seating of the two eras, so we are experiencing the typical confusion, activity and upheaval that comes during a “changing of the guard”.  I think of it as a bridge time, a time of being in the void, a time of great potential and power between developmental phases.  The shift that is occurring is akin to when a baby moves from crawling to learning how to walk.  It is immense!

 Thus the great wisdom (and need) to ground deeply into the earth, the way a tree does to avoid toppling over in the times of great winds.  I set the intention daily (and sometimes several times a day) to ground fully into the earth, all the way to its iron, magnetic core.  Sometimes I will “hear” the deep clunk like the sound of my black cast iron pan making contact with another surface; this is my signal that I have energetically hit the earth’s core.  It makes me feel more stable to do this; it also enables me to be a conduit for the blessing of unconditional love that I am intentionally grounding deep into the earth. 

It is also wise to do the best we know how but allow ourselves to blunder as we find our way; to cease the old habit of judging ourselves and instead trust that we are on track.  This would be a kind and distinctively human thing to do; allowing ourselves to be the messy, furless animals that we are with joy and humor, rather than with judgment and contempt.  In my experience, the less I judge myself and the more I lovingly accept myself, the more quickly, easily and painlessly I move through whatever passage I am making in my life.


The Aquarian Energy in January 2007

We have a wonderful opportunity in the month of January to ground the Aquarian dynamic even more fully.  It is naturally a time when humanity is looking to renew ourselves and examine the ways in which we want to move forward differently than the previous year.  We have a string of portal days right from the very start of the month until the 8th - days which are excellent for setting consistent intentions.  The Sun will move into Aquarius on January 20, and we will have an energy influx of Aquarian quality on the 21st and 22nd.  If we look at the numbers, we see that 2007 is a “9” year, or a year of endings.  I interpret this as an opportunity to release the old world and let go of the ways in which we continue to unconsciously perpetuate the Piscean dynamic.  It is an outdated way of being, and increasingly it just isn’t working. 

 And, when we let go of something outdated, it makes room for the new.  What do we want?  Many of my clients have commented on how they are being asked to refine their desires in there lives, whether through sad circumstances or unsatisfying relationships or manifestations that they realize they don’t want.  The universe is asking them the question, “Are you sure this is what you want?”  It may have been what they were willing to settle for before, but now they are ready for something different.  As always, we are being given ample support to weed out what we actually don’t want anymore and redefine our current desires to more accurately fit us.  As jack Canfield advises, look for the good that you can let go of to make room for the GREAT.  Thus, the New Year, or new cycle, is a great time to get clear about what we want.  In addition, we are manifesting more quickly now than ever before.  The shift into Aquarian dynamic is enabling us to understand and play with the Law of Attraction.  We are starting to understand that we don’t need to struggle and effort to manifest something; if we simply express our desire in a clear way, the universe responds immediately.  If we are not manifesting what we want, we are either not very clear in our desire (such as having conflicting desires), or we are carrying limiting ideas about our worthiness to receive what we desire (a Piscean belief).  We block our ability to receive what we have asked for vibrationally by constricting our otherwise limitless energy field with lower vibrational thoughts/beliefs.  It is helpful to sing “YES” with our vibration when we want to manifest a desire.  In all cases, it is wise to be very clear about what we want.  

2006 was the year that the world woke up.  We really got it, on a massive, global, mainstream scale that we are going to cause the extinction of our species as well as many others if we continue in the way we have.  We really got it that the old ways aren’t working anymore.  What more cellular way to get a message than to have one’s survival depend on it?  We realized that this is NOT what we want, and we are changing the reality by desiring something different.  The message to get our heads out of the clouds, pay attention and wake up is Aquarian as well.  2007 is the opportunity to now say goodbye to the old reality that doesn’t serve us and say hello to the new!

We are literally refining and redefining who we are at this time.  We are recognizing and identifying our unique gifts, honoring each others’ gifts, and relying on each other more than ever before.  We recognize our connectedness (the old story of the spider’s web), and we realize that the more we hang on to outdated notions of ourselves, the less supportive we are being to the Whole.  We are becoming discerning about what doesn’t feel good, letting it go, and running into the arms of what DOES feel good.  When we are feeling good, our vibration sings at a high level on the spectrum, so going for what causes us to feel open, expansive and loving is the right direction to move in if we want to manifest our desires.  We are currently discovering as a species that making choices that are expansive, unifying, and life affirming rather than constricting, life negating and separating bring us to happiness and what we desire.


Our Embodiment of the Aquarian Dynamic-an Examination of Personal Power

What is personal power?  It is a subtle balancing act inside of oneself, it is being self reflective, confident, grounded, calm, centered, still, firm, willing to set and maintain boundaries.  It is compassion, kindness, clarity, present-ness, an ease in one’s own skin, and a sense of a larger perspective.  It is humble but not in the sense of bowing one’s head in abeyance or like a wounded dog…..it is a rightful, balanced comfort level within oneself, without a need to exert one’s power in a way that attempts to control a circumstance or control others.  The greatest personal power comes when we allow the high vibration of unconditional love to flow through us unimpeded; in that state we know nothing can hurt us.

True embodiment of the Aquarian dynamic will come when humans release their identity as victim, and take 100% responsibility for their lives.  In the Piscean era, we fully explored giving our power away to others and feeling at a larger scale that God was controlling our life; many of us still believe that there is a pre-destined plan for us and that there are judgments and punishments for choices made on earth.  This is the parent-child dynamic again that was so fully explored in the Piscean era, where we projected our personal power onto the deity figure.  However, as humanity and the earth (in fact the entire universe) moves into the Aquarian dynamic, we realize slowly that there is no one who has power over us except for those we have given our power away to.  We realize we can give ourselves kind and respectful acknowledgment of those choices we have made that have produced consequences we don’t particularly like - and then make new ones.  This releasing of the idea that we have done something “wrong” or that there is something wrong with humanity removes a suffocating layer of self-loathing and judgment that prohibits us from being in our joy.  We begin to understand that the gift of our life is all about experience, choices, play, creating and freedom.  Herein lies the beauty of this time on earth.  It is all up to us!

Eckhart Tolle says, “Most of the so-called bad things that happen in people's lives are due to unconsciousness. They are self-created, or rather ego-
created. I sometimes refer to those things as "drama." When you are
fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore….
When you feel sorry for yourself, that's drama. When you
feel guilty or anxious, that's drama. When you let the past or
future obscure the present, you are creating time, psychological
time – stuff out of which drama is made. Whenever you are not
honoring the present moment by allowing it to be, you are creating
drama……Most people are in love with their particular drama. Their story is
their identity. The ego runs their life. They have their whole
sense of self invested in it. Even their – usually unsuccessful –
search for an answer, a solution, or for healing becomes part of it.
What they fear and resist most is the end of their drama. As long as
they are their mind, what they fear and resist most is their own
awakening…..When you live in complete acceptance of what is, that is the end of
all drama in your life.”

Some will resist this idea that there are no victims.  We have certainly been taught otherwise by those in power.  But if I look upon you as a victim, isn’t that rejecting you as being the powerful creator of your life?  Isn’t that saying that I don’t trust you to know what is good for you and to take care of yourself?  If we look upon others as victims, doesn’t that mean we are saying we reject the way things are, essentially saying that we don’t trust God?  

And some will go kicking and screaming when they realize that there is no such thing as karma.  “What, there’s not a system for keeping score?!”  This is because they have bought into a bill of goods that removes responsibility for their choices in life.  It is like having a punitive parent our whole lives, something to keep us in line and punish us when we step out of line.  It is a way to stay in the drama that our ego creates.  It is also because many of us believe we must be in pain in order to be closer to God.  This is a false and harmful belief, which does not align in the Aquarian dynamic.  My Angel friends gently suggest that all humans let this one go.  In truth, there is no “wrong” choice, and in every moment we are absolutely free to make a new choice.  Source does not judge us for what we choose.  There is no one in the Angelic realm who will judge us when we die for any choice that we have made.  The only judge is the one we create inside ourselves.  Wow, no “wrong” choice?  The freedom in that!  That means we can make choices that feel life affirming and supportive to us, which in turn, supports the Whole.

 It is wise to acknowledge that there is nothing wrong; it was a necessary part of our evolutionary process to fully explore the Piscean dynamic, just as it is to fully explore the Aquarian dynamic that is upon us.  Some might say, “But look at the mess we are in because we explored (I mean, really, fully explored!) the Piscean dynamic.”  The Angels say in response that, “Therein lies a judgment which prohibits you from fully accepting responsibility for your choices and giving yourself the freedoms to make new ones.  Prime Source does not make mistakes, and all is in order.  You may either fight the incoming dynamic or align with it, but it is coming and already partly here, regardless of how you choose to respond to it.”  Okay then!!!

 May you be well, aligned, blissful, awake and happy in this new cycle of 2007 and the continuing dawning of the Age of Aquarius!


by Felicia Berry, Rev., "Shamama"

Teacher, Energy Facilitator, Soul Tender, Writer, Wise Woman, AKA The Goofy Goddess

Felicia (Licia) Berry has had direct experience of her connection with The All That Is since she was a young girl, when she regularly held conversations with the spirits of the plants, trees, rocks, sky and the Angels. A lifelong intuitive and empath, she has been a teacher, facilitator, energy transformer, agent of change and celebrator of life for 41 years. She is currently working on several writing projects, teaching classes, laughing a lot and enjoying her Angelic/Shamanic Energy Transformation practice, where, guided by Angels, she assists others to wake up to their divine power and become conscious creators. She was given the title of “Shamama” (a woman-shaman who is also a mother and who grounds the Divine Feminine in spades); she is frequently referred to by her clients as “the most grounded spiritual person I’ve ever met”.  She channels the Archangels, primarily Raphael and Gabriel, and she considers them to be a riot.

Licia is blissfully married to her husband of over 20 years, Peter; together, they co-create with their two amazing sons and a happy cat in the boonies of the San Luis Valley of Colorado. She can be reached at (719) 657-0424 or licia@liciaberry.com. Learn more about Licia at www.liciaberry.com and her sister sites www.goofygoddess.com and www.sacred-celebrations.com and www.berrytrip.us (the story of her family’s 2+ year odyssey in their RV, the Wandering Jude.)




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copyright 2003-2007 Peter Berry and Felicia Berry

licia@liciaberry.com  peter@peterberry.us

please visit our other websites: www.liciaberry.com  www.pbfa.peterberry.us